Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope


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Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope

The Roman Space Telescope is a NASA observatory designed to settle essential questions in the areas of dark energy, exoplanets, and infrared astrophysics.

More About Roman

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A Wide Field of View

The Roman Space Telescope will have a panoramic field of view of the universe that is 100 times wider than the Hubble Space Telescope.

Why Roman?

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Dark Energy

The Roman Space Telescope will delve into the mystery of dark energy by studying how the distribution of galaxies and dark matter has changed throughout cosmic history.

Learn About Dark Energy

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Look Around the Telescope

This interactive feature provides views of the telescope from various perspectives. Check the completion status, and discover exactly where the pieces are being built.

View this Interactive Feature

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Roman Video Game

You have been given observation time on the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope! How many astrophysical objects can you catch?

Play the Game!

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The Roman Space Telescope will complete the statistical census of planetary systems in the galaxy by using microlensing, the universe’s own magnifying glass, to find more than a thousand exoplanets.

Learn About Exoplanets

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Roman Stories

NASA’s Roman Mission Gets Cosmic ‘Sneak Peek’ From Supercomputers

JUNE 12, 2024 - Researchers are diving into a synthetic universe to help us better understand the real one. Using supercomputers at the U.S. DOE’s (Department of Energy’s) Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois, scientists have created nearly 4 million simulated images depicting the cosmos as NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, jointly funded by NSF (the National Science Foundation) and DOE, in Chile will see it.

Roman and Rubin will both explore dark energy –– the mysterious force thought to be accelerating the universe’s expansion. Since it plays a major role in governing the cosmos, scientists are eager to learn more about it.

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For Scientists

Engaging with Roman

Each of the Core Community Surveys will provide data to many teams conducting a large number of diverse science investigations. Roman’s science objectives that will be addressed by the Core Community Surveys are Astrophysics with wide area near-IR surveys, Cosmology, and Exoplanet demographics. View the Core Community Survey Definition process 

The Coronagraph Community Participation Program

The Coronagraph Community Participation Program (CPP) is planning and execute Coronagraph Instrument technology demonstration observations. The CPP is composed of multiple, competitively selected small, US-based teams, members of the Roman Project Team, and international partner teams from ESA, JAXA, CNES, and the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy. The primary goals of the CPP are to prepare simulation tools, target databases, and data reduction software for the execution of the Coronagraph Instrument technology demonstration. Get more information about the Coronagraph CPP

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Media Inquiries: Claire Andreoli
Website Curator: Jennifer Brill

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