Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope


Roman Space Telescope

Research and Support Participation Opportunities

banner credit: NASA/GSFC

Document Library and Additional Resources

Listed below are resources and information pertinent to the upcoming NASA Research Announcement for D.14 Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Participation Opportunities, which is part of ROSES-2024.

This program element solicits proposals aimed at supporting the progress of and exploiting the scientific and technical data from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. Two categories of proposal are solicited: Wide Field Science (WFS) investigations, which are broken into regular and large sizes; and membership in the Coronagraph Community Participation Program (CPP) Team. This page includes additional documents that may aid in the preparation of proposals.

Questions on this program element should be directed to Julie McEnery and Dominic Benford.

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Technical Resources

Science Centers

Selected teams will be expected to coordinate with the Roman Science Centers to maximize the utility of their activities for the benefit of the entire community. The links below provide detailed information on the two science centers.

NASA Documents and Policies

Roman Observing Programs

Roman Core Community Definition Virtual Town Halls

Content Summary

The proposal document content follows Table 1 in ROSES-2024 Summary of Solicitation, except for the Science, Technical, and Management section page limits and the optional enhancement to WFS proposals for research activities to be conducted by undergraduate students. The contents are summarized below.

Table of Contents
Optional, 1 pp
Science, Technical, and Management
WFS regular and CPP: 10 pp
WFS large: 12 pp
Proposing research activities to be conducted by undergraduate students
Optional enhancement for WFS only: 2 pp
No page limit
Open Science and Data Management Plan
2 pp
Biographical Sketches/Curriculum Vitae (CVs)
2 pp PI (or science PI); 1 pp each Co-I; Collaborators optional
Table of Personnel and Work Effort
No page limit
Current and Pending Support
As necessary for PI and funded participants who would devote >10% of their time in any given year to the proposed work. No page limit
Statements of Commitment and Letters of Resource Support, and Endorsement
Co-Is seeking no NASA funding (either foreign or U.S.-based) must include letters of endorsement from their government agency or funding / sponsoring institution. Letters of Resource Support are for a necessary facility or resource confirming that it is available for the proposed use during the proposed period. No page limit.
Redacted Budget
No page limit
Facilities and Equipment
No page limit

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Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

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NASA Official: Julie McEnery
Media Inquiries: Claire Andreoli
Website Curator: Jennifer Brill

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