Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope


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Roman Science Collaboration

Help amplify the science returns from the Roman mission and the benefits of Roman science investigations to the astronomical community, by sparking collaborations and drawing on the creative insights and talents of researchers with complementary interests and expertise.

Join the Roman Science Collaboration 

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NASA Successfully Joins Sunshade to Roman Observatory’s ‘Exoskeleton’

FEB 12, 2025 - The Roman team has successfully integrated the mission’s deployable aperture cover — a visor-like sunshade that will help prevent unwanted light from entering the telescope — to the outer barrel assembly, another structure designed to shield the telescope from stray light in addition to keeping it at a stable temperature.

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Roman ROSES-24 Funding Opportunity

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Research and Support Participation Opportunity is to solicit proposals to work on preparation for the operational phase of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. There are two categories for the type of work being proposed: Wide Field Science, to prepare for and/or enhance the science returns of Roman/WFI, and the Coronagraph Community Participation Program, to work with the Coronagraph Instrument team to plan and execute its technology demonstration observations.

Get More Information About ROSES 

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Engaging with Roman

Each of the Core Community Surveys will provide data to many teams conducting a large number of diverse science investigations. Roman’s science objectives that will be addressed by the Core Community Surveys are Astrophysics with wide area near-IR surveys, Cosmology, and Exoplanet demographics.

Find Out More 

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The Coronagraph Community Participation Program

The Coronagraph Community Participation Program (CPP) is planning and execute Coronagraph Instrument technology demonstration observations. The CPP is composed of multiple, competitively selected small, US-based teams, members of the Roman Project Team, and international partner teams from ESA, JAXA, CNES, and the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy. The primary goals of the CPP are to prepare simulation tools, target databases, and data reduction software for the execution of the Coronagraph Instrument technology demonstration.
More information about the Coronagraph CPP

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WFI Core Community Surveys

Each of the Core Community Surveys will provide data to many teams conducting a large number of diverse science investigations. Roman’s science objectives that will be addressed by the Core Community Surveys are Astrophysics with wide area near-IR surveys, Cosmology, and Exoplanet demographics.
View the Core Community Survey Definition process 

Submit science pitches for the Core Community Surveys:
Galactic Plane science pitches | CCS science pitches

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Look Around the Telescope

This interactive feature provides views of the telescope from various perspectives. Check the completion status, and discover exactly where the pieces are being built.

View this Interactive Feature

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Roman Video Game

You have been given observation time on the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope! How many astrophysical objects can you catch?

Play the Game!

Additional Resources

Listed below are several additional resources that provide information on the Roman mission.

Upcoming Science Events

MAR 11–13, 2025 : Transients From Space [Baltimore MD]

JUL 14–18, 2025 : Cosmic Cartography with Roman: Advances in Galaxy Structures, Distributions, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy [Baltimore MD]

Go to Science Events for More Details  

Visit the Roman Space Telescope Partner Websites

Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

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NASA Official: Julie McEnery
Media Inquiries: Claire Andreoli
Website Curator: Jennifer Brill

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